To BA or Not to BA

I open my blog with attempt to provide food for thought helping to decide on becoming a Business Analyst.


Why? Just read some article similar to 5 steps to becoming a Business Analyst or How to plan BA career. The output of this reading forced me to think whether it is really worth doing – planning steps to become the Business Analyst.

It takes a lot of efforts and time to become a professional in your field. Business Analysis is not an exception. Commonly BA role is not performed by a junior level staff. It may require industry domain experience, knowledge of process or even process group that supports a separate organization vertical. Diverse set of tools and applications are huge plus, communication and interaction skills (underlying competences as BABOK states) are fundamental for performing as analyst successfully.

So BA or not BA? Does building plans for new career make sense? Let me assume that many of hard-working professionals perform hybrid roles every day. I found out one day that I am already the business analyst after my supplier commented on my boss’ question: “Ask your analyst”. Blank look and clarifications: “We call such guys a Business Analyst”. Try to extract BA tasks from your daily business and pay attention to your comfort. That’s right. Do you feel confident performing this tasks? Is it what makes you happy? Work-life balance is what I am trying to connect with here.

Forget about salaries, image, opportunities and challenges. First of all Business Analysis is a job that may bring different types of people with diverse skill set and aptitude to happiness. Find a minute and look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. (By the way, BABOK does not state it directly but it’s implied that understanding of motivation and needs of teammates is the part of Underlying Competences. So paying attention to Malow’s approach would be beneficial)


BA role is able to satisfy your needs at the last or last but one level. Assuming that your daily job contains analyst tasks and you may weigh the amount of satisfaction that is brought to you by these activities, it’s right time to answer the question of becoming the Business Analyst.

Today IIBA is working hardly on making Business Analyst position recognized. Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® is available at one click. Tones of articles are written suggesting how to make important career change. Does it help? Yes, but I think it’s a minor thing comparing to understanding of what you really need inside your heart.

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